If you're a type 2 diabetic who wants to stay off insulin, you need to watch what you eat. If you're a diabetic on insulin, you just adjust your injections to accommodate.

// @kdfrawg

I've come to believe that religion is good when it does good, and bad when it does bad. After a long journey through many faiths, I've concluded that a distinct lack of hierarchy is a good sign, and if anyone says their leaders are infallible at any point, get the hell out. :-)

That being said, us diabetic folk are better off sticking with things like blackberries and raspberries instead of really sugary fruits like banana and pineapple.

// @kdfrawg

I spent several years as an Orthodox Christian, and the Catholic Church looks like a modern institution next to it. If a Greek Orthodox from 1000 AD walked into a Greek Orthodox church today, he'd recognize the liturgy and what is taught from the ambo (Orthodox equivalent to the pulpit). Both churches are attempting to preserve a traditional worldview in the face of modern societal changes. Both are losing the battle. Neither will admit defeat, and neither is likely to change. If one does, it'll be the Catholics--the Orthodox have no overarching Pope figure with the authority to force change.

It's just another example of a church that is struggling to find its way in the modern world. There's a point at which the massive hierarchy becomes a hindrance that causes people to look elsewhere, and we're seeing that in the increasing success of evangelical Protestantism in Mexico and South America, as well as the growth of Islam.

@kdfrawg I'm fine with what exists. I was just mentioning that I liked Jaiku. From my perspective, the current interface is perfectly functional--and I've said as much on ADN.


@kdfrawg This is my favorite R8:



No, first day back after a three-day weekend.

I've been switching to iced tea after my first cup, but I need more of a jolt today.

This is going to be a two-coffee morning.