Very true. My "right" way is a spoonful (or teabag) per cup, plus one for the pot if making a pot, with water brought to a full rolling boil, and steeped for exactly three minutes. Milk and sugar/sweetener to taste.

// @kdfrawg

In U.S. measure, a bit more than a pint (16 ounces). But yes, roughly. :-)

Rather like the town in Maine my mother spent her childhood in, except my grandmother was rather zealous about making sure the tea was made in exactly the right way (something I've inherited from her). :-)

// @kdfrawg

A pastrami sandwich and a 20-ounce bottle of Coke Zero has done wonders for my attitude today.

(For the non-Americans, 20 oz. = 591 mL)

The tannin content must have been frightening.

// @kdfrawg

I'm just glad that you can now get something other than Farmer Brothers swill from a Bunn-O-Matic most everywhere in the greater Los Angeles area now. @kdfrawg will understand. :-)

// @kdfrawg

When I first visited Europe in 1981, before Americans had been introduced to proper coffee, European coffee was a revelation.

// @kdfrawg

I think I better turn off notifications for retweets before my phone blows up.

Holy crap, I just got retweeted by Cory Doctorow.

From what I can tell, that's what the entire British political leadership did.
