Seeing discussions about databases reminds me of this:

It's morning in America.

Now where's the damn coffee…

Your dentist sounds a lot more exciting than mine.

@kdfrawg It's bad enough that France got rid of their distinctive yellow headlamps. Now this. The world is clearly going to hell in a handbasket.

@kdfrawg Hold on just a moment! No 2CVs, no DS21s, no Dauphines? No Peugeot 504s or Citroen CXs? Not even a Peugeot 205GTi? Ce n'est pas possible! Aux barricades, citoyens!

This is for QA site testing on mobile devices.


It's astounding how often I have to disconnect from the office network and use my company phones' LTE connections to get my job done.




I'm not a fan of justified text, as it's so rarely done well. I dislike it so much that I force left-justification when I send a book through Calibre. Ragged right margins don't bother me one bit.

Looks good.