After a long day of running around Getting Things Done, I am ensconced on the sofa in shorts and a T-shirt, and I just realized that if I put my Birks on I would be in full compliance with the new company dress non-policy. MIND. BLOWN.
My mother-in-law led a long and remarkable life. A memorial service will be held on Saturday.
I have realized that one of my favorite social media things is leaving smart-ass comments under a pseudonym on a well-known automotive website.
@literary The only reasonable solutions are 1) air conditioning 2) immerse yourself in Lake Winnebago for the duration.
I got an email with the subject line "Royal Navy Monkey Fist Tutorial" and now I'm afraid to click on it.
Although I may have seen something like that on the Internet once.
@variablepulserate Fortunately, this was regarding people who are working on something my boss is responsible for, and she's quite good at that. :-)