@matigo Better than Timmy's? Are you sure you're Canadian?
// @js
@gtwilson A friend of mine has something like that, the result of playing football with his nephews on Thanksgiving a few years ago. He sets off airport metal detectors now.
@hazardwarning It certainly sounds better than rear-ending someone in Oxnard.
// @gtwilson
@gtwilson Thanks. I'm going to have at least one impressive scar on my arm that I need to start thinking of a good story for.
So, as some of you might know, I was in a car accident on Monday.
I'm fine, apart from some nasty-looking flesh wounds, but the car isn't. Apparently it's worth somewhere in the ballpark of $8500, and the total damages were around $19,000 to repair. Yikes.
So today, I went over, made sure I cleaned all my personal belongings out of it, and released it to my insurance company, who will now start the process of paying me the settlement amount.