@phoneboy Goddamn it.
Sometimes, my job involves telling someone (nicely) not to be a nitpicking speed bump in the road so we can keep the project moving.
(Yes, I just did that.)
@kdfrawg Indeed. The problem is that the grammar of that sentence ("A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.") is a bit sloppy.
// @hazardwarning
@hazardwarning There are plenty of people on this side of the pond who also find it incomprehensible. The biggest problem is the unclear language in the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution, which has basically enshrined the right to own guns. We're way too divided to come to any kind of agreement that would change that.
// @kdfrawg
More thoughts later, but terrible news from Las Vegas. This isn't just a news item; two friends of someone I know at work were among the injured (thankfully, not killed), and one of my mother-in-law's caregivers may have been there with her husband. Don't know for certain yet.
@kdfrawg Birkenstocks usually take a few weeks to break in properly. Hang in there.